Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Fruits of My Labor

Occasionally I pick up a Sunday shift out at Jonathan Edwards Winery (my second job).  This past Sunday was a bit brutal, being the morning after the annual Winemaker's Dinner (think libraried wines paired with five courses...plus cocktail hour and post-dinner drinks) which kept us at work until well after midnight. However, there's a bright side to everything. The winery isn't open on Monday and Tuesday, so on Sundays we will take home the open wine. There isn't usually very much (we're pretty careful about how much we open) but being the night after an event and a horrendously slow day, we found ourselves with quite a selection. Obviously, there was no way I was going to work through this much wine (even though some of these bottles were pretty empty) while it was all still good, so I took it over to Dr. Scott's apartment for a little impromptu wine tasting...which evolved into a Scotch tasting, but that's another story.

What I brought home

Preparing the glasses

Chatty and Caitlin

Lagavulin with a Sauv Blanc chaser

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